New Raised Bed – Wheelchair Accessible
I am so happy! I have an adaptable raised garden that is wheelchair accessible. I used my iphone App called ‘Companions’ to decide what should be planted next to eachother. Still need more dirt and to finish the compost and stone path in the middle but that did not stop me from planting the first arm. It was perfect timing for planting, the rain came. Gardening gets me outside in the fresh air, where I luv to be and I hope to produce some vege’s. I chose vegetables that do not require huge maintenance. Stay tuned. One of my fun games is plant trade. So far I have traded a couple of pepper’s and some Arugula and got a Basil some Hens and Chicks and a bunch of perennial flowers and herbs. This will be my best garden ever.
Special thanks, Mona digger of dirt, Patrick Builder, and idea from 3rd world countries, and of course SJ $’s, and the Tribe for continual entertainment in my yard. All the company keeps me smiling. Grant for shopping for plants and seed. Thanks