A CHOCOLATE IRIS! 2013 flowers Share this:FacebookTwitter
We beat the Rain on ...
posted by Debra
Today we managed to get a walk in before the rain started. The fall colours are starting that makes it more fun to take photos. We took a different path today. This path was an old fence line from an old farm along the nature path. You will see one picture of the old fence and some old fence...
More outdoor photos
posted by Debra
Fun in the Sun! I can click the camera button now due to the assistance of the camera mount that is attached to my wheelchair. JULY 29 2012 Share this:FacebookTwitter
My hobby
posted by Debra
Taking pictures is fun. It also helps with dexterity of my fingers. I may not be good at it, but it sure helps burn time. From the camera to the computer to my webpage/facebook/email. As time goes on maybe I will get better, one can only hope. 2012 flowers Share this:FacebookTwit
New Raised Bed ̵...
posted by Debra
I am so happy! I have an adaptable raised garden that is wheelchair accessible. I used my iphone App called ‘Companions’ to decide what should be planted next to eachother. Still need more dirt and to finish the compost and stone path in the middle but that did not stop me...
Grass Seeding Front ...
posted by Debra
The rain showed up and the grass seed was thrown down. Well, who would have thought a migrating flock of white crown sparrows would show up and eat all the seed. White Crowned Sparrow Share this:FacebookTwitter