A reminder to all ROMSS members that the 2nd annual Scooter Rodeo will be held on Thursday, June 5th at the 5th Avenue Seniors Activity Center. The Rodeo will take place from 10:00 am- 2:00 pm. This year the Reaching Out multiple Sclerosis Society will be in charge of the concessions. For...
2014 – 2nd Ann...
posted by Debra
Fun Footsteps Mother’s Day walk May 11 2014. We had so much fun last year showing the TrailRider to everyone. 2014 Footsteps Walk Share this:FacebookTwitter
Exercises For Foot D...
posted by Debra
Top 3 Exercises For Foot Drop: http://youtu.be/rTjwb6NOPUU “Famous” Physical Therapists, Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck, illustrate 3 of the best exercises to improve foot drop, or “foot drag”. Wish I would have had these exercises 5 years ago, would have been...
posted by Debra
If you have restricted mobility or are in a wheel chair you will like our boats. Each boat has a lift and other adaptive technology to allow everyone to take an active part in the operation of the boat. Unlike the majority of canal boats, all of our boats have disabled toilet facilities and...
The Global Accessibi...
posted by Debra
The Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative (GARI) is a project designed to help consumers learn more about the various accessibility features of mobile phones and to help them identify phones with the features that may assist them with their particular needs. All help is good. I personally...
Progress Swelling
posted by Debra
We have spent the last year and a half compression wrapping my feet and legs to get to this point. Here’s a picture of progress of wrapping my feet and legs and a picture of before. Share...
Promotion Month for ...
posted by Debra
I am still working on getting a trailrider in the Shuswap. The bcmos lent me a trail rider for the month of May. I took the trailider to local groups such as the MS group the Parkinson’s group the Stroke group to local events. I had fun getting out and meeting lots of people. Overall I...
Two Steps Closer
posted by Debra
Two steps closer to reality, as the Shuswap Trail Alliance is helping raise funds to purchace a trailrider and the local Professional Forest Network has contributed $500 to the cause. Share...
How many Hugs do you...
posted by Debra
HUGS/DAY -LINK It is really hard to give a meaningful hug when you’re in a wheelchair. One cannot get close enough to be heart to heart with another person. It isn’t fair. I am going to try really hard over the next month at giving meaningful hugs to everyone regardless of the...