
I haven’t posted anything for a couple months. I spent the last week cleaning up my front lawn. Simple things like raking and picking up the piles is five times harder for someone like me with my stage of MS. I did it with lots of encouragement from my neighbors and my husband picking up the grass piles. Plus I got a farmers tan and some color to my face. I also planted some seeds for my garden in ‘toilet paper rolls’ and they’re growing within one week. Little things like the grass and planting seeds keep my mind occupied and me busy. I have also been working on a new website for a project that I have been working on over the past year. Stay tune I will post the link for the new website when I’m done. I have also been trying to get funding for an easy stand for myself. Sitting all the time is getting very hard on my bottom. It is just a matter of time and everything will fall into place. I will post the link of the easy stand that I’m looking at getting. As well I am putting an Application in to a program in BC to get funding for other equipment. That is why I have not posted on my website in the past few months. Hopefully from this day forward I will do a daily post.

2013 Spring

Easystand Evolv – link




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