I am modifying my round 1 qualification information from the Aviva community fund contest. My new submission for qualification round 2 will start on October 22 – Nov 5. Please vote every day at this link http://www.avivacommunityfund.org/ideas/acf15291 Share...
Another trailrider d...
posted by Debra
Some good friends of mine shuttled me around in the trailrider. We went for a long trek, they were tired by the end and I was smiling the whole way. We travelled uphills, downhills, on gravel road and trails. We found the trailrider works very well. Here is a video of our adventure. Share...
posted by Debra
I have been researching the trailrider for a year now and I finally rented one this week. I have worked outdoors for 20+ years and was really missing the fresh air, trees and flowers. My garden can only compensate for a little bit. My good friends and husband helped me test the trailrider....
Handcycle gloves
posted by Debra
It is amazing how one physical attribute such as gripping with ones hand becomes less functional, other attributes are soon to follow. WHO do you listen to about managing your MS? Well for me and my story I listen to my body. That was my feelings when first diagnosed and still today. I am very...
Handcycle 2012
posted by Debra
What a fun day. All my neighbours helped out with my handcycle adventure. We used the truck lift to get me off the wheelchair and on to the handcycle. Let me tell you, that was difficult for all involved, espcially with the spasms. We ended up breaking my handcycle foot rest, but we have...
More outdoor photos
posted by Debra
Fun in the Sun! I can click the camera button now due to the assistance of the camera mount that is attached to my wheelchair. JULY 29 2012 Share this:FacebookTwitter
10°C Outside all day...
posted by Debra
When I was working every spring we would drive the logging roads to see when we could start planting. We would drive as far as we could so the snow would melt faster. Sometimes we got stuck. Now I drive my electric wheelchair over snow in my yard so the snow will melt faster and my...
Keyhole Garden
posted by Debra
My spring project for 2012. I want to build a keyhole garden. I need to have raised beds because of my wheelchair. The compost in the middle of the garden makes so much sense. The nutrients in the compost will disburse into the garden soil keeping the soil rich for growing. See...
Penelope the pidgeon
posted by Debra
Each day, while sitting in the front yard, I am either visited by my neighbours, kids from the park, or Penelope the pidgeon. The color of pidgeons are very beautiful. This bird hung out with me for about an hour before heading off down the back ally in search for food. I found this experience...
Northern Flicker
posted by Debra
A Northern Flicker is pecking away on the power pole across the street. Never a dull moment, there is always something to occupy my time. Share this:FacebookTwitter