It looks like British Columbia is leading the way on trailrider programs. There is also a whole section of British Columbia without a program. I am in the process of trying to get funding through the Aviva Community Program. Here is the link to vote, starting October 22 to November 5 for...
Aviva – Qualif...
posted by Debra
I am modifying my round 1 qualification information from the Aviva community fund contest. My new submission for qualification round 2 will start on October 22 – Nov 5. Please vote every day at this link Share...
New Toy – Whee...
posted by Debra
Today was like Christmas! I have my camera rod and attachment all hooked up to my wheelchair and I can finally take photos. Originally I could use my right hand to take photos but as time has gone on I don’t have the strength to hold the camera and take a photo. The camera is right...
Representation Agree...
posted by Debra
The Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre is a non-profit, charitable organization. Nidus provides information to British Columbians about personal planning. We also operate a centralized Registry for personal planning documents. Personal planning is about making legal arrangements in the...
Frozen Strawberries
posted by Debra
Strawberries frozen are a healthy snack and for someone with Multiple Sclerosis they can help reduce core body temperature during over heated periods. I have about 10 frozen strawberries and my body temperature goes down to a more comfortable temperature. Share...
Planat website ̵...
posted by Debra
“Let’s build a future where no one gets left behind.Join me to help create a more inclusive world.” – Rick Hansen planat is an online tool that allows you to post and search reviews on the accessibility of the places where you eat, shop, work and play. Your detailed reviews make...
Home Adaptations for...
posted by Debra
The Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program provides financial assistance to help eligible low-income seniors and people with disabilities in British Columbia to continue to live in the comfort of their home. This is one of the options with the HAFI...
iPhone Dragon dictat...
posted by Debra
Hi all, I am using my iPhone and the Dragon dictation app to create this post. I can only use my left hand for typing. Many people with multiple sclerosis have difficulty typing. I had a few minor errors and typos while creating this post. I have Dragon dictation for my desktop but found it...
Drop Foot
posted by Debra
I was working out in the woods one day and noticed my one foot was slamming down. I always walked with a shovel so transitioning to walking poles wasn’t that difficult. I realized that my foot was dropping, so I started my search. My mom had a plastic brace that was uncomfortable...