Please lend a hand and support my campaign by casting your vote. I am in a wheelchair-and have been volnteering my time through the Aviva Community Fund Campaign – Trailrider for less mobile. #15291 (see link below) , I intend to get a program setup in the shuswap where we can get a few...
Worldwide Trailrider...
posted by Debra
It looks like British Columbia is leading the way on trailrider programs. There is also a whole section of British Columbia without a program. I am in the process of trying to get funding through the Aviva Community Program. Here is the link to vote, starting October 22 to November 5 for...
Aviva – Qualif...
posted by Debra
I am modifying my round 1 qualification information from the Aviva community fund contest. My new submission for qualification round 2 will start on October 22 – Nov 5. Please vote every day at this link Share...